Who we are

ELYON SCHOOL, operates concurrently as a Montessori for children from the ages of one and a half years to five(5) years old, while also operating as an Afterschool extracurricular center for children the ages of five(5) years old to fourteen(14) years old. We are currently the only entity that solely focuses robustly on children’s developmental activities that enable them acquire life-benefiting skills outside the classroom. We offer an array of mind-challenging activities both physically with our sports programs such as Golf, Martial Arts (Taekwondo/Aikido), Ballet, Aerobics, Swimming Lessons, and more.

The tree depicted within our emblem, originating from the southern region of the African continent, symbolizes Africa’s pivotal role as the cradle of life, rich in natural resources and boasting the largest expanse of fertile land, depicted by the lush green hue. This imagery represents Africa’s historical significance as the birthplace of civilization and the ongoing advancement of humanity.

Africa maintains its esteemed global stature, often affectionately referred to as the ‘motherland’ and the ‘breadbasket’ of the world, with Tema, Ghana positioned at the world’s center on the prime meridian at 0° longitude, earning it the moniker ‘the gateway to Africa.’

Guided by our unwavering faith in the Almighty, encapsulated in our school motto “NOKWARE,” meaning “TRUTH” in English, we are reminded to interact and coexist with one another with integrity and fairness, recognizing our shared identity as children of God

Our Mission

The mission at Elyon School is excellence through teaching and learning, while promoting an attitude of care, tolerance, respect and trust among learners. We endeavour to provide an environment of safety, quality in care and education brought together by the ever so trained and dedicated teachers who form the backbone to our children’s’ excellence.

Our Vision

The vision at Elyon School is to provide quality care and nurture individual children to reach their full potential, with a motivated, professional, dedicated and inspirational team.  We achieve this by welcoming a happy and supportive learning environment, where achievements are celebrated and rewarded in recognition of hard work.

Message from the Board

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Here at Elyon school, as our name suggests “El Elyon” biblically translated as (God, the most high), we endeavor to incorporate the teachings of God, our eternal father through text and good manners , neighbourly love and prayer. It is our belief here at Elyon school that God is foremost in our lives, preceding all other things; our eternal protector, creator, and redeemer, and as such must be inculcated in our bright young minds early on in the formative years of their promising lives.

It is with great pleasure that we at Elyon welcome you to our school’s website. We promise to keep students at the forefront of every decision we make as a school. We will strive to teach and provide students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to have a successful future.

At Elyon School, education is not reduced to only the amount of information that a child gleans but an education system
the caters to focusing on the latent qualities of the individual child. Our education system is one that caters to the individual needs of our students.

Success for all students is ensured at our school by the delivery of enriching, child-centered, balanced, and well-structured curricula focused on the student’s welfare and positive recognition of student achievements. Our dedicated teaching staff at Elyon is highly
qualified and boasts of rich experience garnered through years of dedicated service in the education field. Teachers work to provide students with differentiated support that addresses each student’s specific needs both academically and socially.

We at Elyon, believe that an education system that develops the imagination of the child is far more beneficial than one that does not. 

We firmly believe that parents are a child’s first and most important teacher. We happily welcome all our parents to take an active role in the education of their children and to be active participants. We implore our parents therefore to foster a healthy and active relationship with their
child’s teacher and assist where you can so we work together in the interest of success. 

Our commitment to the school community is to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion. Let us work together to make Elyon School a favourite choice among parents and children alike.